Friday, January 26, 2024


 Jean Craig, new CMQG President, opened the meeting. In attendance were: Jean Craig, Kerry Bevers (Programs),  Stephanie Cheng (VP), Corinne Appleton (Secretary), Phoebe Harrell (Treasurer), Kate Weston (Charity), and Linda Ambrose. 

Jean stated that we still had openings for Swaps and Challenges and Special Events Committee Chairs.  She’ll solicit volunteers for these committee chairs from membership during the following meeting.

Phoebe, Amy and Susan are the new Quilt Camp committee. They are still taking registrations but that will close shortly.

After some discussion, it was agreed that the annual events & meetings calendar and the updated by-laws will be posted to the blog by Phoebe.  Jean will ask Karyn Iserman if she will again host the Guild Christmas party at her home on December 8, 2024. Also, ask Cathy Beemer to schedule Sew Days in September and November.

Linda Ambrose answered questions regarding the Charleston MQG Sister membership with Cobblestone Quilt Guild and clarified what the means in terms of participating in Cobblestone Quilt Guild’s upcoming quilt show and monthly activities. The Series Challenge quilts, Eyes Exhibit, and Barn Quilts Challenge will be entered by Charleston MQG. Individual members may register quilts for a discounted fee. Linda will solicit members to volunteer at the show. 

National Modern Quilt Guild dues are due on March 31; Phoebe is waiting to see how many members renew or join prior to that date.  Membership dues are based on number of local members and over 45 (where we are currently hovering) jumps from approximately $700 to $900.

Phoebe distributed the proposed 2024 budget with 2023 budget for comparison.  After some discussion, amounts budgeted for programs and events were more evenly distributed. The 2024 budget was approved.

It was decided that no membership committee is necessary this year and that the VP will monitor membership and Kim McPeake will continue to update and issue the membership Directory.

Programs need to be preapproved by the Exec Committee if there are expenditures.

Charity – the Christmas Stocking donations are funded by proceeds from the raffle and yard sale.

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