Attending: Jean Craig, Nancy Tye, Phoebe Harrell, Kate Weston, Rick Sanchez, Susan Brandt, Rachel Cochran, Kim McPeake, Martha Ferguson
Jean Craig called the meeting to order at 5:31 PM.
Jean has had a couple of fabric donations and will provide more information as she sorts through the fabric.
Martha Ferguson is the new chair of Community Outreach and has performed Community Outreach for 35 years.
Phoebe Harrell provided the Income Statement and 2024 and 2025 budgets; Carryover to 2025 is $4471.13.
Quilt Camp funds were mingled in the prior year’s income statement and the Quilt Camp funds have been separated into a different account. The removal of Quilt Camp funds from the budget explains the large increase in the balance carried into 2025.
Kate Weston questioned the charity budget, as the committee needs to purchase resources. Nancy Tye suggested using a member’s wholesale license to purchase batting.
Susan Brandt said the cost of the upcoming workshop is $100/person with a goal of 24 attendees. If there are less than 24 paid attendees, we will need to open it to other guilds. Most presenters have a $400 booking charge and the booking fee for this workshop is $900.
Susan suggested that the Stocking Project be separated from Programs in the budget. The Yard Sale provided funds for the Stocking Project. There may be more sources for the stocking, which will decrease costs. Ideas were shared with Susan for soliciting contributions to stuff the stockings.
The meeting adjourned at 6:00PM.
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