Business/ Announcements: Jean Craig called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. The meeting was also available on Zoom with 4 virtual attendees. Molly Piepenburg is the newest member and provided a brief intro. All others stated their names. Total attendance was 29 members with no guests.
Phoebe Harrell has CMQG tote bags for sale for $25. Reminder: annual dues are $60.
Jean shared the 2025 calendar with dates for all meetings, sew days, and special events, and it is posted on the website/blog. Meetings that are not on the regularly scheduled 4th Tuesdays are in bold. June 21 is a special program, Deep Dive into Improv workshop by Annabel Wrigley. The cost is $100 and the $50 deposit is due now. Attendance is limited and the deposit must be paid to reserve a slot. The workshop includes lunch, which Susan Brandt said will be nice.
Jean suggested that we have an upcoming demo for a stretch canvas technique by Louisa Enright. The membership agreed this would be great for a Sew Day. Those participating will want to bring a finished quilt block. More details are to come, tentatively scheduled for May.
Committee Updates:
· Charity: Kate Weston brought 2 quilt kits for members to make a quilt for the foster children we serve. She also has 4 pillowcase packs for members to take, as well as extra fabric to be used for charity quilts. Our teen foster recipients live in 2 cottages for each the girls and boys, for a total of 32 children, plus an extra 16 that are needed. Quilts should be a size minimum of 50”x60”.
· Quilt Camp: No updates, but reminder that attendees may want to make a vest or sash to wear at camp. More details will be provided by Phoebe about the vest pattern used last year.
· Membership: The updated member directory was provided by Kim McPeake. Please provide Kim any needed photo or contact info updates.
· Challenges: The current challenge for upcycled/recycled fabric was to be swapped, but only a few brought the fabric so Rick Sanchez shared more info and members will be prepared next month. Bring a fabric item (clothing, linen, etc.) that you like but are willing to let go. We will swap them in April and return them finished in May.
Committee signup: More help is needed with Programs (Rachel Cochran), Charity (Kate Weston), Community Outreach (Martha Ferguson), and Special Events (Susan Brandt). Susan requested help from a few members to review a teacher directory for future speaker recommendations. Connie Zafiris and Phoebe Harrell volunteered for this task. The membership broke out into the committee groups for further discussion.
Many members shared Show and Tell creations.
Linda Ambrose shared announcements as the district representative for Quilters of SC.
· There are openings for the spring meeting in Columbia, March 14/15.
· Cobblestone Quilt Show will be at Trident Tech on March 19-21, 2026.
· Oct 30, 2025 is the Coastal Carolina Fair opening; intake is Oct 18/19; quilt return on November 10.
· Tunnels to Towers purchased the Comfort Suites in N Chas and will have 90 permanent apartments for veterans. Cobblestone is making 60”x64” quilts for each and requests volunteers.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM.
Events & Dates to remember; See the 2025 Calendar on the top bar for full details!
Next sew day at Five Eighth Seams - March 15th
Next meeting - March 25th
Annabel Wrigley improv class - June 21st
Quilt Camp - September 4-7