Saturday, April 13, 2019

March 2019 meeting notes

We had 23 members and welcomed 2 visitors (Charlene and Alice) who also joined tonight.

Whitner opened the meeting.  Sherri Lynn Wood will be coming May 17-19,  2019.  She will present a lecture/demo Friday May 17 which will be free for members and open to the public for $10.  The guild will provide appetizers/sweets for a reception at 6:30pm and the lecture will start at 7pm.  Please sign up at the April meeting to bring something to share.

We will have a two day intensive class on Wedge Curve Improv held on Saturday and Sunday, May18 - 19.  Registration is $200 for both days and includes catered lunch.  Please contact us at for more details. 

Charlene K. shared a presentation addressing Color Theory and use of hue,  value and saturation.  Charlene and Bev brought scraps and groups of 2-3 played with scraps looking at our ‘Go To’ palettes and our ‘Never Ever’ palettes.

Don’t forget to sign up for member presentations of Your Quilt Journey.    

Connie reported on a successful trip to sew with the girls at Florence Crittenton House in March.  They made keychains and lanyards.  The next scheduled trip will be May 8 organized by Hope, and they will make burp cloths using diapers and fabric.  Fat Quarters can provide enough material for 2 burp cloths.  Please bring in any fabric you would like to donate for this cause.  The July 10 visit will be headed by Marie and they will be making toiletry bags.

We are also making blankets for the cats and dogs at the SPCA.  Connie will provide the sizes needed.

Challenges and Swaps
Kim reminded everyone of the Two Color Challenge for members to make quilts by August 27,  2019 to submit to AQS for a local exhibit when the show is in Charleston in 2020.  Check out instagram #chsmqgtwocolorchallenge to see color selections by members. 

Sew Day
Phoebe led a paper piecing demo at our March sew day.  Here are a few of the finished pieces from class. 

May 18  -  We will still have a Sew Day at Five Eighths Seams for members not attending the Sherri Lynn Wood class.

Show and Tell
 Phoebe took a boro hand stitching class at QuiltCon with Kristin Axtman from Brooklyn Haberdashery and made this sweet sampler with linen, prints from India and vintage Japanese fabrics.
 Phoebe also took a lone star class at QuiltCon with Tara Faughnan and brought in her finished piece.
Phoebe shared one of her entries for our two color challenge.
 Hope showed off a sewing machine mat that she made from scraps left over from the jelly roll quilt below that she made as a wedding gift.

 Linda made this pineapple quilt as a sample for Wild and Wooly, a local fabric and yarn store.
 Amy is working on these gorgeous English paper pieced Lucy Boston blocks.
 Rick surprised us again with another finished quilt made from Charleston row house fabric.
 Alice showed off her paper piecing skills with this adorable and seasonally appropriate bunny pillow.
 She also shared a quilt pieced from her grandmother's handkerchiefs.
 Alice hand quilted it and added wonderful details like this little spider web.
 Cathy brought in her finished circle quilt to which she had applied some extra amazing quilting.
 Charlene shared a sweet holly Christmas throw.
Charlene also made this Valentine's quilt.  It was a very holiday themed show and tell!
 Lynn had a wonderful Liberty of London log cabin quilt.
 Hope showed us one of her first quilts she made for her son.
 And she was so inspired by the paper piecing class that she went right home and made this very impressive ring of flying geese! Nice work!!
 We all loved the owl quilt that Elaine brought in.
 And she also shared her Molehills quilt that she finished up after a class we took with Latifah Saafir.
Whitner designed and made this stunning quilt for a friend.

Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 23rd.

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