Monday, February 3, 2025


Business/ Announcements:    Jean started the meeting with introductions of all attendees. This meeting was also on Zoom. Jean asked if anyone is attending QuiltCon next month to please take pictures to share. 

Jean has posted the 2025 calendar with dates for all meetings and sew days and special events. It can be viewed on the website/blog. Reminder that Phoebe is still taking dues for 2025; annual dues are $60.

There will be the 2025 Board Meeting held prior to the February meeting and all are invited to attend.

Linda talked about the Quilters of SC upcoming meeting in Columbia on March 15, with workshops all weekend. Dues are $20 to join and registration for the Spring meeting can be found at

A reminder that the 2026 Cobblestone Quilt Celebration of Quilts “Stitching Charleston Sunshine” Show is March 20 and 21, 2026. The new location is Trident Technical College. Stay tuned for more information and how you can enter your quilts and volunteer to help. 

Challenges/Swaps:   Many participated in the Ugly Fabric challenge issued last November. Sixteen participants displayed the beautiful items that they made with the ugly scrap they received. Another Ugly Fabric swap will take place in Feb to get fabric, and then in April to bring in the made object for display.  

Sew Days:   Monthly Sew Days will continue at Five Eighth Seams. Next date is February 15th.  See calendar in sidebar for all scheduled sew days for 2025.

Charity:  Kate Weston will continue to chair the committee for making charity quilts. She shared a nice Thank You that she received recently.  Susan shared pictures of the elementary school children thrilled with their stuffed stockings donated by members last year.

Show & Tell:  Many quilts, etc. were displayed tonight; this is the first Show and Tell since the November meeting and members have been busy! 

Guild Leadership: Interested in getting more involved in CMQG? Several committee leaders are needed for 2025. Contact Jean for more information. New members are encouraged because it’s a great way to learn more about the guild, National MQG and other members.  Thanks to those who have served, to those who accepted nominations and congratulations and thanks to our new 2025-26 CMQG Leadership!

Workshops:   The Improv Workshop by Annabel Wrigley (in-person) is rescheduled from May 17 to June 21. 

Events & Dates to remember; See the 2025 Calendar on the top bar for full details

Next sew day at Five Eighth Seams  - February 15th

QuiltCon Phoenix - February 20-23

Next meeting - February 25th

Annabel Wrigley improv class - June 21st

Quilt Camp - September 4-7

Sunday, December 8, 2024


Business/ Announcements:    Attending members approved the proposed new slate of officers for 2025.

President - Jean Craig
Vice President - Nancy Tye
Secretary - Pam Everett
Treasurer - Phoebe Harrell

A change to the bylaws will allow for an additional term for a serving officer. 

Article VI Nominations and Elections (Section VI.3.)
Term of Office: Officers shall serve a one-term year. No person shall serve in the same position for more than two consecutive terms and one year must pass before serving in the position again.  
Term of Office: Officers shall serve a one-term year. No person shall serve in the same position for more than two consecutive terms and one year must pass before serving in the position again, except for Treasurer who may serve up to four consecutive terms.

Phoebe will continue a third term as Treasurer because of the by-law change.  

The annual members’ Holiday Party will be Dec. 8, 2-4 at 308 Dogwood Ridge Rd. Bring appetizers, a gift to exchange with an estimated value of $25, and any finished stockings.  Camp Quilt-Along (Sept. 4-8) registration and down payment is due to Phoebe NLT Dec. 8 (@ the Holiday Party) for members. Registrations will be taken for non-members in Jan., with a cap of approximately 30 participants. 

Guild Leadership: Interested in getting more involved in CMQG? Several committee leaders are needed for 2025. Contact Jean for more information. New members are encouraged because it’s a great way to learn more about the guild, National MQG and other members.  Thanks to those who have served, to those who accepted nominations and congratulations and thanks to our new 2025-26 CMQG Leadership!

Program:  Liz Dougherty (@sewcialliz) from Free Spirit fabrics, headquartered in Charlotte, NC, did an interesting trunk show and tease of new fabric lines coming in Spring.  Free Spirit offers the following well-loved fabric lines: William Morris, Kaffe Fassett, Tula Pink, Valerie Wells, & Tim Holz. Fabrics are printed overseas either screen-printed or digital, depending on the designs. She gave away several great gifts in a drawing. 

Challenges/Swaps: The modern Churn Dash challenge was presented tonight with lots of variety from quilts to pillows, etc. Many participated in the Ugly Fabric challenge with a fun swap activity. Participants are to make something new for yourself, due in January.

Sew Days:   Sew Days will continue at Five Eighth Seams for the next several months. This month, Rick taught a class on rope bowls. Everyone who participated had a good time. 

Charity:  8 quilts were shown tonight as donated. Kate has more kits available for quilts and pillowcases. She is specifically looking for twin size or no smaller than 50” and in colors appropriate for males and females. These go to Thornwell in Clinton, SC for children.

OutreachAmy displayed the “h” made by the members who participated in last month’s COC Halsey Inst. Art In Motion Art Parade.

Show & Tell:  Several beautiful quilts, bags, and other assorted items were shared by members. 

Workshops:   The Improv Workshop by Annabel Wrigley (in-person) is scheduled for May 17, 2025 & will be held at Five Eighth Seams in W. Ashley.

Events & Dates to remember

  • No “meeting” but all members are in invited to the Dec. 8 Holiday Party; bring Camp Quilt-Along registration and check. 
  • Ugly fabric swap challenge due in January
  • Annabel Wrigley Improv workshop – May 17, 2025