Wednesday, October 2, 2024


Business:        Jean opened the meeting with introductions. The Coastal Carolina Fair opens on Halloween to 11/10 and if you want to make entries for quilt display, check-in is Oct. 19 & 20.  Linda Ambrose is the point of contact. 

Interested in getting more involved in CMQG? Several officers are needed for 2025. Contact Jean for more information. New members are encouraged because it’s a great way to learn more about the guild, National MQG and other members.

Camp Counselors Amy & Phoebe talked about this year’s successful “Camp Quilt Along” and said that it will be held again on 9/4 - 9/7/25 at St. Christopher’s. 

Program:   Tonight’s guest speaker was quilt designer, tech editor, and aerospace engineer, Sarah Ruiz. She presented “Lessons from a Challenge Enthusiast.” In summary, she said that quilt challenge participation was good for motivation, creativity, problem solving skills, etc. She showed examples and talked about types of challenges: fabric & color; design & theme; timed; and a combination of these. She also suggested a “bad fabric” challenge as a fun type of guild challenge. Finally, she advised to “stretch yourself, have fun, and be flexible.”  

The guild participants showed her the post card swap challenge results from last month. 

Guild members can purchase quilt patterns at “” and get a 20% discount with code “CMQG” until Oct. 1, 2024.

Challenges/Swaps: The postcard swap challenge from August was displayed this month. The modern Churn Dash challenge is due in November.

Sew Days:   Sew Days in Sept. and Oct. are cancelled due to conflicting events.

Charity:  Two quilts were shown tonight as donated. Kate has more kits available for quilts and pillowcases. She is specifically looking for twin size or no smaller than 50” and in colors appropriate for males and females.

OutreachAmy handed out flyers and a signup sheet for guild members to participate in the College of Charleston Halsey Institute Art Parade on Oct. 26.  She’s looking for about 8-10 members to carry banners and/or walk wearing costumes and quilts. Contact Amy for more information and to sign up.

Show & Tell:  Several beautiful quilts, bags, and other assorted items were shared by members. See them on the CMQG blog page or on Facebook.

Workshops:  The Wayfinder Quilt workshop is Oct, 19, 10-5. $20 is required to hold your place and the remaining $35 is due no later than Oct. 15. You are expected to purchase the pattern.  

The Improv Workshop by Annabel Wrigley (in-person) is tentatively scheduled for May 17, 2025. 

Events & Dates to remember

  • Next meeting – October 22
  • Wayfinder Quilt Workshop – October 19.
  • Coastal Carolina Fair Quilt turn-in – Oct. 19 & 20; Fair 10/31-11/10.
  • Modern Churn Dash block challenge due November meeting (11/19).
  • Annabel Wrigley Improv workshop – May 17, 2025
  • Christmas Stockings due no later than Dec. 8 at the CMQG Christmas Party. See Susan Brandt for the pattern, etc. 

Sunday, September 1, 2024


Business:   Jean opened the meeting and after our usual introductions welcomed our visitors and guests.  

The updated calendar is now available on the blog.  Our November meeting will be the third Tuesday of the month and there will be no December meeting.  Our holiday party is scheduled for December 8.


Tracy Arimsmendi from Moda Fabrics was our program speaker.  She talked about how fabric lines were chosen and printed and brought samples of several new lines for us to see.  


We discussed the Berkeley County Airing of the Quilts.  More information can be found here.  Registration is open at $5 per entry with no limit to number of quilts entered.  Drop off is September 14-19.  


Linda talked about the Coastal Carolina Fair which is running from October 31 – November 10th.  She is calling for volunteers to work at the booth for three hour shifts.  Those volunteers receive free entry to the fair and preferred parking at the venue. 


Social Media:  Jenifer has taken over the position of Social Media Coordinator and is doing a fantastic job.  Thank you Jenifer!


Charity:  Christmas stockings will be donated to Sanders-Clyde Elementary kindergarten class.  We need 24 stockings for students and three small stockings for teachers and aides.  Our Trash to Treasure yardsale will provide the funds to buy items to fill the stockings.  Stockings will be due by December 8 and can be turned in at the holiday party.  


Swaps and Challenges:  Kim reviewed the details for the Churn Dash challenge which is due by the November meeting.  There is no size limit for your churn dash projects. 


She also presented a new fabric postcard challenge.  Those who will participate were given a partner and that partner’s mailing address.  Postcards will be made and mailed by September 18 so that they can be received by our next meeting on September 24.  Please bring in your received postcards for show and tell.  Contact Kim or Rick with questions.  


Show and Tell:

Events and Dates to remember:

·      Sew day – September 21

·      Next meeting – September 24

·      Camp Quilt Along – September 5-9

·      BMQG’s Airing of the Quilts – September 21

·      Wayfinder Quilt Workshop – October 19

·      Coastal Carolina Fair – October 31 – November 10

·      Modern Churn Dash challenge due – November 19

·      Holiday party – December 8

·      Christmas stockings due – December 8

·      Annabel Wrigley Improv Workshop – May 17, 2025

Sunday, July 28, 2024


 Business:        Jean opened the meeting with introductions. 

The Berkeley Modern Quilt Guild will again feature its Airing of the Quilts September 21, at the Santee Canal Park, 10-4. Charleston Modern Quilt Guild members may enter quilts. Registration will be open August 1 at $5/entry with no limits. Drop off is 9/14-19. More information to come, including registration forms. This is not a judged show.   

The Coastal Carolina Fair opens on Halloween to 11/10 and if you want to make entries for quilt display, check-in is Oct. 19 & 20.  Linda Ambrose is the POC. 

Phoebe collected final payments for Quilt Camp, 9/5-9.  Amy and Phoebe presented about Cynotype on fabric and polled who might be interested in a class on this at Quilt Camp.  Please contact Amy for details.

Program:   Finding Your Voice quilts by Stefanie Neuner. Stephanie is a fiber artist and painter and an arts instructor. She creates improvisational quilts educating about disabilities, especially autism. Her works have been in Artfields, Piccolo Spoleto, SAQA, and Houston International Quilt shows, among others.

Challenges/Swaps: Rick reminded us about the upcoming modern Churn Dash challenge. There is no size limit and is due at the November meeting. Email Kim or Rick with your questions.

Sew Days:   Next is August 17 at Five Eighth Seams. Doors open at 9:30.

Charity:  5 quilts were shown tonight as donated. Kate has more kits available for quilts and pillowcases. She is specifically looking for twin size or no smaller than 50” and in colors appropriate for males.

Show & Tell:  

Workshops:  The Wayfinder Quilt workshop is Oct, 19, 10-5. $20 is required to hold your place and the remaining $35 is due NLT Oct. 15. You are expected to purchase the pattern.  The Improv Workshop by Annabel Wrigley (in-person) is tentatively scheduled for May 17, 2025. 

Events & Dates to remember; Check the “2024 Calendar” on the website

  • Sew Day – August 17.  
  • Next meeting – August 27
  • Quilt Camp retreat – Sept. 5-9.
  • BMQG’s “Airing of the Quilts – September 21; turn-in 9/14-19
  • Wayfinder Quilt Workshop – October 19.
  • Coastal Carolina Fair Quilt turn-in – Oct. 19 & 20; Fair 10/31-11/10.
  • Modern Churn Dash block challenge due November meeting (11/19).
  • Annabel Wrigley Improv workshop – May 17, 2025